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New Year! New Baby! New Mom!

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Can you hear the baby cooing? Chloe’s a new mom, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate her and hold her sweet, chubby, little guy! In this episode, she shares what the first three months of motherhood have been like (and her sweet baby makes his first podcast appearance). What do you remember from your first months as a new mom, and what advice do you give new moms now?

We asked Chloe about expectations versus reality, and she shared about her delivery experience (It was good!). She also talks about the oft-shared statement: “Motherhood is the hardest thing you’ll ever do.” While she was pregnant, she had strong feelings about it, and now, three months in, her thoughts have changed a bit. And of course, no episode about having a newborn would be complete without a chat about sleep—not the baby’s though, Chloe’s! We discuss whether we’ve made sleep an idol that causes us to overthink, worry, and try to control our newborns.

We went to Facebook and asked what your biggest takeaways were from those days as a new mom, and the responses were a beautiful combination of wisdom, humor, and reality. You said things like, “Take other people’s suggestions with a grain of salt,” “It’s OK to ask for help,” “Be honest with your partner,” and “I don’t remember. I think I blacked out!” We ran those comments by Chloe to see if they resonated with her or if she had a different take. Turns out she’s rocking months one through three! Congratulations, Chloe, and welcome to the podcast, James!

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7 Ways to Resist the Pressures of Being a New Mom
15 Things I Wish I’d Known as a New Mom
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What I Wish I Knew as a New Mom

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