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Should I Diet in Front of My Kids?

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Most women have gone on a diet or tried to adopt a healthier way of eating. Body positivity and acceptance have made leaps and bounds in the last few years, but many of us hold negative messages deep down that are hard to shake. But now, as moms, we have watchful eyes all around us. In this episode, Chloe shares a story from one of our writers about the time her son commented on a Big Boy statue (yes, the burger chain) that made her question if he was picking up on diet language she was using. It made her wonder if she should diet in front of her kids. Chloe also opens up about her relationship with food as it relates to growing up with a mother who’s diabetic, who needed a specific diet.

It’s overwhelming to think about all the ways our attitude, language, and choices around food can be passed down to our kids. If you’re thinking about going on a “diet,” we talk about three questions to ask yourself to know if it’s a good idea. We also discuss parents’ ability to reinforce or challenge the messages our kids get from media. We can be “almond moms,” or we can teach our kids that food is fuel and it’s meant to be enjoyed. We can show our kids that no food is good or bad instead of using language like “I’m being good and not eating that cookie.”

Before we can expect our kids to embrace a healthy attitude, we must do it ourselves. Next time you consider changing your eating habits to try to lose weight, ask yourself if it’s a way of life you’d encourage your kids to adopt. Will it give you flexibility, or will it disconnect you from your family in some way? Because whether you like it or not, they are watching!

Articles We Mentioned

Should I Diet in Front of My Kids?
5 Mom Bod Features to Love
The Secret to a Positive Body Image for Moms
5 Things to Say if Your Child Wants to Lose Weight
NYTimes: Your Kids Don’t Have to Inherit Your Body-Image Issues
NYTimes: Anxious About Family Mealtimes? Serve a Buffet

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How do you try to pass on positive food talk to your kids? 

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